And the People's Choice Award Winner is.... July 28 2014 1 Comment

BA Wygant!!!  Out of 28 other works of art at the Golden Thread Gallery in West Hartford CT the People's Choice was awarded to "And the Light Was Good" By BA Wygant.

Bette Anne would like to thank all of her fans for their support & for picking her work to vote for.  It's an honor.  Over 130 of you took the time to cast cast your vote and this speaks volumes!! 


Though the original work is not available for purchase at this time, she does have prints available on line.  She also has matted prints that can be ordered by phone at (203)770-5011.  

"And the Light Was Good" By BA Wygant.

Inspired by the Book of Genesis. From God’s loving hand, the very first moment of Light.