
Going to Beirut... With Your Help! September 16 2015

We've all heard someone criticizing Art as "excessive" and "unnecessary" and categorizing it as "entertainment", but that view is broken and fully misses the value of Art.  We all need to open our eyes to what Art really is.  It plucks the strings of human emotion.  It taps into our quantum soul that ties us together.  It can give us a perspective on something beyond our own surroundings and expose the true human nature and our shared experience as "spiritual beings on a universal journey"(quote from a friend).  These are truly the goals of all Artwork whether it is a Pixar film, a song composed hundreds of years ago played today by Yo-Yo-Ma, in the movement of a dancer in "American in Paris", or in the brush strokes of a lilypad in a Monet painting.  All these works evoke your emotion as a human being, in fact it is this expression of empathy that makes us human!  This is the true value of Art.  Some people will call Art unnecessary, or a waste of resources in contrast to the massive issues we face around the world.... And these people are missing the point of Art at its core!  Through Art projects around the world, Artists are expressing with grace, all the tragedies and the triumphs of Humanity. The communication of the world around us takes place in Artists' studios in the far outer reaches of Earth and in your hometown.  Art is bringing that need for change to your computer screen or your local gallery and you only need to take a moment to share in this experience to know its value to our global community.  These Artworks are now more important then ever for those of us who want to find truth, sanity and hope for our species. 
Let me share with you how I hope to inspire change in this world where it is desperately needed.  Just over the border from war torn Syria, are areas where many refugees have fled in the Middle East.  I will focus the first phase of my next project here.  My hope is to work for two months in this area of the Middle East painting and exploring the Holy Lands via Beirut, Lebanon, which is at the heart of the old and new worlds.
There is so much energy and potential for planting the seeds of hope and brotherhood and yes, peace.  I'd love to paint at this moment where the winds of change are sweeping refugees in need of support into a culture that is both diverse, vibrant, and budding.  This refugee city is a microcosm of humanity and there is much to learn, document, and paint.  I'm ready to take it all in as an Artist and work in this space.  I'm excited for the possibilities to raise awareness of the refugee crisis.  My goal is to donate my work for sale through Beirut Art International, NGO/UN to benefit the refugee camps where there is well over Two Million people, trying to survive with their families. Upon my return to Connecticut I hope to collaborate with local events to raise awareness of the plight of refugees & promise of hope for the Lebanese through my paintings and photographs.  This is the Video Lacey put together for the project:  
There are also several others of me and my work here under my "Video Channel" on this website.  Art can be spiritually powerful, I would like to make a positive change in the world through what I know and through these tools I have, I just hope I can make a difference.  
You can also make a difference by familiarizing yourself with the UN refugee stories from around the world linked here, and by sharing these with your friends and family both in person and online.  That could be you or I with our family trying to hang on to hope for a future, and peace is fragile.  We must all raise awareness to their plight & the strain it is putting on the world.  Please add your comment and suggestions for my project below.  
You can also learn more about my project, share it, and lend your support by clicking on the image below... 

A Message to Share Through My Recent Painting "Celebration of Life" September 04 2015

I am a painter with a message to share, through my work and my vision.
I look forward to meeting new people at all the Art shows that I exhibit.  In fact this weekend you can find me at BA Wygant at Meet the Artists & Artisans 

My goal is to plant the seeds of Faith and Hope and Brotherhood. We are so blessed to be here now. Each of us has an opportunity to plant the seeds in this glorious garden for the evolution of life on this beautiful planet.  "We can still plant a smile" Dr Ahmed from Syria can't practice in Lebanon, but he still does what he can to help those in need. Each and everyone of us can do our part - even here and now we can share their stories.  Here is his: Lebanon: The Natural Humanitarian

Be here now in this moment, within your surroundings & community.  Immerse yourself in the natural world- It is around you everywhere, be still and listen. Hear your mind and soul drink in the bird's song, the crickets laugh, feel the gentle breeze on your face. Shine in God's loving embrace. We are one in this eternal journey through life, connected by His Light our species will evolve- together! 

I do my best to capture this in "Celebration of Life" my latest oil painting on sculptural base, you can currently see it on display at The Gallery At Kent


BA Wygant's Visions of Natural Energy | Amagansett Fine Arts Festival July 01 2015

Unity.Gallery Presents a Virtual Exhibition 

Please take time to tour this wonderful virtual collection of art on the Virtual Exhibits Page.

Also This Weekend!!  Meet me live & in person at the Amagansett Fine Arts Festival

July 3 10AM-6PM
July 4 10AM-6PM
July 5 10AM-5PM
15 Montauk Hwy, East Hampton, NY 11937

I will have my latest work on display:

"Celebrate the Balance"

Oil Painting on Sculptural Base

Among the Sounds of Violence In Baghdad, Wasfi and His Cello Cry Out in Defiance June 08 2015

I was listening to NPR this morning about one brave Artist talking about his journey and taking a stand against terrorism in his hometown of Bagdad and the story of his defiance of the senseless murder of his fellow citizens, while drinking their coffee in a local coffee shop. He was saved by a twist of fate, as he was late for his coffee that day. I believe that God intervened, and planted a seed of Divine Grace into his heart and mind. He took his beloved cello to the cafe where this act of violence to place, and played with a song from his soul for peace, in his mourning he planted a seed of Hope for Humanity.

No mater what you believe, I am calling for ALL Artists to reach out in peace and brotherhood for the love of Humanity. We are killing each other and our planet, & for what? Power, more money? It is time to stand up, be counted in the power of Light.  Please look at the deeper reality. Stand back, see this with better eyes. Our fragile little pearl, fighting for her life while we fight with each other like spoiled children.  Humanity has always been able evolve and learn from our mistakes, however this time I hope we do not destroy our selves or our home before our evolution is complete.

WE are one family, the children of Earth, see the Light in each other so that our species will evolve together.


And the Light Was Good

Origins of Inspiration | New visions of BA Wygant straight from the studio May 16 2015

As I interact with people in relation to my art I often am asked, ”Where does inspiration come from and what encourages you?” Often I’m asked this question with a hint of desperation. People are always seeking out a way (sometimes through my work) to escape from reality, to break out and unleash a sacred power within to find ultimate peace. When I see this, the mother instinct in me wants to give them a hug, however as I cannot do that in the moment or here with you, let me offer up some advice instead along with my most recent visions. There is no break from reality – for me this is reality- there is energy out there and we only need to realize it and harness it within our everyday lives to find truth & inspiration.

Everyday the Earth spins on and as our days get more complex the strain on our souls increases. The state of our reality is bleak if you tune into 24-hour media outlets and zone out. It’s hard not to get caught up in the day-to-day drift into a grey moonscape as the lack of human empathy that is depicted in modern life becomes more prevalent. Many people have virtually closed their eyes to the possibilities beyond. Little do they know a vibrant energy filed universe is shining all around us and there is more then just what this current perceived reality has to offer.

In the dark ages many felt there was a “divine inspiration” that only a few artists and artisans could tap into. Many found that this inspiration could be channeled and maintained with in religious settings, this is why we have so many beautiful works in old world religious locations. However as we slipped into the new age of enlightenment we all found the possibilities are within each and every one of us to believe in ourselves, and share a vision, what ever it is. Your vision is your truth so you only need to believe in yourself to express it. This expression can be on the canvas, but it could also be in your writing, photography, printmaking, or in that dress that showcases your embroidery.

Today I share with you my latest visions and my most recent endeavor through tapping into and exploring this universal energy. In my most recent piece “The Good Shepherd” I have an interpretation of the warm hug Earth receives everyday from our universal creator. Our Shepherd is ushering us along, even me as I paint this from my studio in the quiet hills of Connecticut. I am moved to share with you my inspiration that we will find a beautiful salvation every day & all the days ahead as we spin endlessly through time and space. Be true to your self, and believe in your own muse, abilities, & truth. Keep your faith close to you and live in Peace.

These things will help in your quest to uncover your own well of inspiration.

All the best,


“The Good Shepherd”


"The Thief in the Night"


Earth Day is Every Day | BA Wygant's Thoughts on Earth Day & a Recent Interview by Marshall Masters April 23 2015 1 Comment

Bette Anne Wygant Earth Day 2015:  

"This is a time for every person on this planet to stop and reflect for a moment about the state of the health, and the future of our beautiful Mother Gaia. I have seen many troubling changes, on so many fronts and issues since I was a young child. The problems are growing very quickly now, and with more urgency."

Dance of Evolution by BA Wygant
"I must ask, what are we leaving for the future generations? With the pollution from the Nuclear disaster in Japan, the contamination of the Pacific Ocean, massive kills of many species of Marine life, now the closure of the fisheries in California, I must ask, Will there be future generations?"
When scientists have to worry about losing their funding for telling the Truth, it is time to wake up Humanity and consider making some very serious changes to protect life in this century and beyond."Peace in Every Home Town by BA Wygant"Are we to let the survival of this planet depend on the leaders of Industry that tell us there are no Earth quakes near fracking wells and that the water aquifers are not corrupted by them? We need to realize that we are running out of time.  Our Grandparents left to us the wonders of our National Parks, with the love and respect of our Mother Gaia's beauty and reverence. What are we leaving for our children? Will Humanity become part of the extinction of Species? Only time will tell."

These and other topics are also discussed in Bette Anne's recent 30 minute interview with Marshall Master who has been a past contributor on CNN.  During the course of the interview Bette Anne Shares her experiences and observations of life in the physical world, and our journey home which inspires her work.  Weather painting in the 70s or today her mission remains the same; Painting & sharing the light!! I hope you appreciate & enjoy this emotional and inspiring video:


This is a recent (30min) interview I did with Marshall Masters (a past CNN contributor) where I share my experiences &...

Posted by BA Wygant on Thursday, April 23, 2015




Danbury News Times Interviews BA Wygant | Buy The Sunday Paper! January 30 2015 5 Comments

Last week I had the chance to sit down and talk with Linda Koonz, the features editor of The News Times, and share my journey into artistic expression.  For over 48 years (photo on the left is from my old studio in Candlewood Isle) I have been exploring the link between the physical and spiritual world and that energy that connects us to each other and to God.  

We spoke about my interpretation of our travel through time and space, the concept of the earth being one seed in a vast cosmic infinity & our life here on this planet as just the first step in an infinite journey home.
 It was an interesting discussion spanning a few hours.  We also touched on the need to care for our planet, and the need for human kind to do our part in helping to stop the decline of its health.  I hope my work
inspires this in people and I'm looking forward to this Sunday's paper where this vision may reach others! The published article is below- I look forward to your comments:









Through Writing and Art: Ken and I Heal November 07 2014 2 Comments

Here you'll find reflections by Ken Fortenberry on his project:

"I created this website in memory of my father, second officer William H. Fortenberry. It is dedicated to the memory of the 44 people who perished on Romance of the Skies" – Ken H. Fortenberry

From Ken Fortenberry; "On the afternoon of November 8, 1957, Pan American Airlines Clipper “Romance of the Skies” vanished in mid-ocean, at the so-called point of no return, halfway between San Francisco and Honolulu.  The pilot’s last transmission, at 5:04 pm local time, indicated that all was well onboard the giant and luxurious Boeing 377 Stratocruiser."

Here is my painting for their salvation at sea "Amazing Grace" 

Amazing Grace for Romance of the Skies

All the light & love to you & your loved ones.  I'm hoping no other families suffer a loss like this again.  "Romance of the Skies" we send prayers for peace to you all.  After all these years it still hurts to think about all that loss. 


We think about them often, it drives you to dig deeper, & especially today we hold our families closer.  

Watch out!! Wet Paint: Two New Paintings Debut by BA Wygant October 31 2014




48 inches by 48 inches

Seven Guardians of Light have formed a circle to give us safe passage on the journey Home.
Click image above to view "Rejoice" in depth on the painting's page, use the zoom tool for details.  
Call the studio to view in person (860)957-7357



"Ancient Mariner"

30 inches by 24 inches

A voyage begins with waves breaking on the bow, often we steer into uncharted waters.
Powerful, deep, and dangerous are the currents of freedom. Godspeed its mariners. 
Click image above to view "Ancient Mariner" in depth on the painting's page with the zoom tool for details.  
Call the studio to view in person (860)957-7357

Illumination: A Glimpse of the "The Quantum Soul" October 08 2014

In times like these art can promote an understanding of things that are larger then our selves.  M.C. Escher a Dutch graphic artist said artists, "adore chaos because we love to produce order".  I agree, and in the case of my most recent piece (above), both the chaos of our soul searching and the order that comes from moments of transcendence & "Illumination" can evoke a deeper understanding of the beautiful balance we have at our core. 

We can all live for humanity, & work to ignite our God Spark.

My inspiration for this piece was a story I read about where some neurologists that think that the home of the soul in the human body could be in the firing of the neurons. Deepak Chopra calls this, "The Science of the Quantum Soul".  This is my impression of this and our God Spark. 

Pratt Center Fundraiser, Sag Harbor Fest, & Unveiling New Work September 12 2014 1 Comment

This weekend if you are in New Milford, CT please support the Pratt Center on Paper Mill rd and attend their annual auction & fundraiser Under the Harvest Moon .  Here you will be able to bid on BA Wygant's donated 14x11 double matted print of "Spring Symphony" that has been signed numbered and dated.  The original painting is 48x36:

In this painting on the right,”Spring Symphony” I share my impression of a moment in time. While I was riding in my car, I glanced out the window as the Sun peeked out of the dark raincloud to reveal an intoxicating sea of wildflowers, while listening to the Brandenburg concertos. I was overwhelmed with the beauty of the moment.

Bette Anne's Description:  In ”Spring Symphony” I share my impression of a moment in time. While I was riding in my car, I glanced out the window as the Sun peeked out of the dark raincloud to reveal an intoxicating sea of wildflowers, while listening to the Brandenburg concertos. I was overwhelmed with the beauty of the moment.

Also this weekend 9/13-14 at the Sag Harbor Festival we are proud to be unveiling of "Awakening".

BA Wygant's most recent work:

11th Sep 2014:


“Progress is impossible without change, and those who cannot change their minds cannot change anything."
-- George Bernard Shaw,
Irish playwright


After reflecting on this quote & having just finished "Awakening" I can't help but wince when I think about sending my youngest off to school in the Middle East this semester in the midst of such turmoil. 

"Progress" in this context is not enough for me.   Really "Survival" would be a more accurate term for our society.  Whether we want to admit the reality of our changing world or not, our survival will depend on our "Awakening" and flexibility in our world. The governments must cooperate, and work together to help solve the problems we are now facing. Our own leaders must overcome the petty differences reflected in the constant childish bickering.  We must begin anew.

Our precious Humanity, our beloved Earth, our children, when will it be too late to speak with one voice? Peace and respect for Life will determine the balance of our Extinction, or our Salvation.  This is why it is important for our communities to come together and support each other, I hope to see you this weekend so we can make this change happen!!  


-BA Wygant