New Work & Reflections from Schoodic Peninsula, ME | On Display at Art Space - Open Studio Hartford November 06 2015

I've been finishing a piece for the Open Studio Hartford that I started this summer.  The new work, is entitled "Emergence" and it captures my reflections from Schoodic Peninsula, ME which we had the pleasure of visiting this summer.  I was struck by the beauty of the rugged and undisturbed seascape and the power of the light on the ocean.  Hope the feeling of new discoveries resonates with you all the same way it did with me in this moment.  Like souls across the water we are always looking for truth, beauty and justice to renew them selves in our lives.  Like the refugees in the Middle East & Europe- we are all just trying to find a safe cove and right of passage into a bright future filled with beauty, light, and promise.   we all have the power to pilot our selves in to a new destiny- it's waiting to emerge just beyond the horizon.

Emergence an Oil Painting By BA Wygant

This week we also saw this feeling of promise emerge in our own local community.  We are blessed to live in a time when people can voice their concerns and vote for change.  We would like to take this opportunity to congratulate or New Milford Mayor David Gronbach on his recent election. I look forward to the change he can bring to our community as a whole and especially for grassroots art movements in New Milford.  Excited to see where the journey we are all on together will lead.  

Also you can find me Nov 14 & 15 at #14 Colt Gateway (140 Huyshope Avenue) on the tour Open Studio Tour.  More info here: